Service starts at 10AM
On July 21st, FCC supported misionaries, the Oppels will be hosting a Laotian style lunch following the morning serrvice so come hungry! both for the food and to here what God is doing in the Laotian people.
Kitchen Helpers are needed, so please talk to Laurella Joyce if you're able to assist.
Mark your calendars for July 2nd through 5th as FCC's annual kids camp begins! This year kids will be diving deep to find out more about God's incredible love for them. Volunteers are still needed so reach out to Pastor Jordan if you're able to help.
On June 28th FCC is heading to Iriqous park for an afternoon of fellowship and fun. Bring a lawnchair and a salad or side and we'll provided the pizza. And as the cherry on top we'll be celebrating together as one (or more!) of the FCC youth follows Jesus in the water's of baptism!!!
Come one, come all!
Linda A & Elizabeth W - June 26th
Levi H - June 27trh
George Hodgson
Linda Ramsey
Jim Ralph
Merlie McGee
CONTACT: elders@yourfcc